Boobs Too Big? Call Gloria Allred.

Gloria Allred and her newest client. At least she’s an updgrade from Bobby Davis.

Normally I don’t indulge in this sort of nonsense.  But given the depths to which the whole Bernie Fine fiasco has reached, anything involving Gloria Allred is both completely ludicrous and at least tangentially Syracuse related.

For those of you that have been living under a rock for the past six to eight months, Gloria Allred is the “attorney” who represented Bobby Davis and Mike Lang in their ill-fated civil suit against Jim Boeheim and Syracuse University.  I use the term “attorney” loosely because, although Allred might have a JD from some third-rate correspondence course, she’s clearly much more interested in fishing for settlements than seeking justice for people who have been truly wronged.

Yes, I just libeled Gloria Allred.  I’ll see her in court, I’m sure. Continue reading